Saturday, August 06, 2005

Miracle on the Mount...

Main Entry: mir·a·cle
Pronunciation: 'mir-i-k&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin miraculum, from Latin, a wonder, marvel, from mirari to wonder at
1 : an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2 : an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

.... we have only five barley loaves and two fish...

I guess a number of you, both Christian and non-Christian may have heard of the Biblical story of Jesus feeding the multitude, just with five loaves and two fish.... it was called the Miracle on the Mount; however I am not writing this to ramble on about the greatness of God etal - that is best left to the scholars. Not to say that I am not a believer, however certain incidents such as this for me reveal an underlying miracle far beyond what is seen on the surface.

Did Jesus truly multiply the food to feed the multitude? Let us look back and examine this for what it is worth.
Could He... well I think most certainly - its definitely a far easier task if he could rise from the dead.
But on the other hand - did He?
What I believe did happen was a miracle - yes indeed. What Jesus did was one very simple thing. He took what food He had and shared it among His people. Among the large number of people who had come to hear Him speak, there most certainly would have been many who had got food - enough and more for themselves. They sat amongst the grassy hilltop eagerly lapping up what He said. It was all so easy to be swayed by this young, powerful preacher who was offering them a glimpse of freedom, freedom they thought from the Romans, from poverty, from their miserable existence. But for a large number of people these statements were skin deep. When time progressed and evening came around the ones who were resourceful enough to have food would have started towards having a quiet meal - leaving beside the ones who had nothing.
But when they saw their teacher, their guru, taking the little what He had and sharing it amongst others - it would have shamed them to share what they had brought for themselves. Their selfishness all evaporating in one single act of selflessness.
This was an extra-ordinary event, a miracle of titanic proportion - because it would be easier to bring the dead back to life, rather than change the heart of man in an instance.
Now look around you - surely there would be someone in need who you could extend a lending hand. Sometimes - simple things like spending some time with people who need someone to talk to could make all the difference. Wouldn't this help us progress in making our world a better place to live?


At 9:01 AM , Blogger sailu said...

Joseph,thank you so much for this post.God Bless You!


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